The Magic of Magic

We first met Guy Camirand in the late 70’s. It may have been at our magic evenings which we held on Thursday nights when we were living on Harland Road in Hampstead. This was before we had a shop and before the launching of the Camirand Academy of Magic, publisher of Magic Books, producer of Magic DVD’s, and fine quality effects. Besides being a top notch magician, magic dealer and supplier, he is also a professor of magic who gives courses at Perfect Magic  and has done so for many years. May he continue to do so for many years to come.

He was serious about magic  when we met him and was interested in starting a magic business even then. It was and still is his passion.

We also first met Hans Zahn of  Videonics, a magician and a pioneer in VHS Magic Teaching Tapes, which included many of the most famous people in magic, including Dai Vernon (who went to Newfoundland for the filming in 1982)  and Phil Matlin (How else could I form a sentence containing both Dai Vernon and Phil Matlin) in the late 70’s, just to name 2 out of many. Hans lived and still lives in Newfoundland.

Phil and I became good friends with both Guy and Hans.

So this morning, August 1, 2012 while I was in the magic shop busy answering emails, you can imagine the shock I had when Hans from Newfoundland phoned to tell me Guy was in the hospital here in Quebec waiting for a triple by-pass.

I called Guy immediately. He did not have a massive heart attack, TG. He went to a walk-in clinic with a sore throat and when the doctor said he would treat that, Guy said that while he was there, he might as well tell him of another ailment he was having. The doctor said no. We can only treat one thing at a time. Okay, said Guy. I’ll tell you what the other thing is and you tell me what we should treat. Fine. He told him every so often when he’s walking he gets pains near his chest, but nothing terrible, etc. I don’t remember exactly the symptoms that Guy gave him but the  doctor said he would check out his chest rather than his throat. After checking him out, he gave him a slip of paper and told him to go straight to emergency and he wouldn’t have to worry about waiting.

He was admitted immediately and is now being treated for his sore throat which has to be better before they operate. He’s in good spirits and is being well taken care of.

So to me its lucky that he had a sore throat, because he’s been having those pains for awhile, but were not strong enough for him to worry about. Strange how magicians can never come straight to the point but go around to get where they are going.

I’m sure you all join us in wishing that all goes well for Guy and that he has a speedy recovery.


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5 responses to “The Magic of Magic

  1. Paul M Kruse

    Dear Evy and Phil,

    I’m so sorry to hear Guy is ill, but SO grateful that the doctors discovered it in time! I consider Guy to be a friend. I really don’t know him terribly well but took three of his courses, and assisted him with running his sales booth at the ’03 or ’04 Hank Lee Conclave. Guy has been SO good to me. He took me under his wing during those classes. He made time to have dinner with me several times before class, and I would regularly walk with him to his car after class. He advised me about magic, but equally importantly he shared wisdom about life in general. Please give him my best when you contact him again. I will keep Guy in my thoughts and prayers during this rough time.
    “Get well swiftly Guy!”
    Paul Kruse


  2. Thanks for this posting, Evy. Guy is a very unique,caring and thoughtful human being –not to mention a great thinker, performer, teacher and all-round heck of a nice guy! Please tell him we are thinking of him and wishing him a full and very speedy recovery. –Thank goodness for sore throats! :0


  3. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Guy!


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