The Overwhelming Amount of Magic

As a magic dealer, I am overwhelmed by the new magic that comes out on a daily basis. Especially because I do the banners on our home page of Perfect Magic and edit the write-ups for our catalog. There seems to be no end to it.

I remember a time when Albert Goshman (think Sponge Balls – Magic by Gosh)

Anne Deslauriers Goshman Susan Trott

Same gang (Jane Poupart, Albert Goshman  and Susan Trott.)

came to Montreal to perform at Magie Montreal when we had our Conventions, back in the 80’s. He stayed in our home and we took him to the Brown Derby in the Van Horne Shopping Centre for dinner one evening. Unfortunately, neither Albert nor the Brown Derby are with us any more.

The Brown Derby was a delicatessen that served all kinds of Jewish food, from smoked meat to Matzo Ball soup and anything else you could think of. When Albert was there he created a sensation, as all the waitresses stopped working to watch him do his sponge ball routines.  Why do I bring this up now? One of the waitresses asked him if he enjoyed his food. He said “Well, there was a lot of it and some of it was good.”

That would be an appropriate remark regarding the  magic market today!


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5 responses to “The Overwhelming Amount of Magic

  1. magicmikelikey

    I met Albert Goshman at Magie Montreal, and he was one of the most humblest superstars of magic I’ve ever met! I said to him, “You’re a legend!” He replied with a shrug, “I’m just a man…” My parents and I used to frequent the Brown Derby, which was near where we lived. ah, memories!


  2. Albert was a super magician. No matter how hard you looked, you never saw it coming! Memories, yes!


  3. My thoughts:

    I am on several magic mailing lists online and even I am overwhelmed by the volume of new affects that show up every week. So I feel your pain, and I thank you for “separating the wheat from the chaff”. I’m sure you review a lot more products than I see in my inbox and honestly I don’t know how you do it.

    The bottom line is the only way I have any confidence that I am making a good purchase is to contact a high-quality “brick and mortar” shop like yourselves and ask for advice. Otherwise I am basically purchasing blind. Can’t do that. It’s too expensive.

    So thank you for all your hard work!

    This is one big reason why we still desperately need brick and mortar shops!! As customers we need your knowledge and experience to help us choose quality products!!

    This should be obvious to anyone who is at all serious about their magic *Sigh*


    • I appreciate your appreciation. You would think that what you said applies to everyone, however, some people come in and say we saw whatever on you tube and that’s what they want. We know they will never do it but they want what they want and even if we try to discourage them gently they don’t care, so we get it for them.


      • Paul K

        My only guess is that people like that have been caught in “the trap” of very good marketing. As you know, sometimes it seems like more money is spent producing the video to advertise a trick then to produce the trick itself.
        *Double sigh* 🙂 🙂


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